El diario plural del Zulia

Prenden llama de los Juegos Olímpicos de Río en antigua ciudad de Olimpia [+Fotos]

La llama de los Juegos Olímpicos de verano de Rio (5-21 agosto) fue prendida este jueves en la antigua ciudad de Olimpia (Grecia) conforme al ritual tradicional, sobre la antorcha que recorrerá miles de kilómetros por el país heleno antes de llegar a Brasil.

"Hoy escribimos la historia; estos Juegos Olímpicos serán un mensaje de esperanza en estos tiempos difíciles y la llama aportará ese mensaje en todos los rincones de Brasil y en el mundo entero", afirmó Thomas Bach, presidente del Comité Olímpico Internacional (COI) unos minutos antes de producirse el encendido de la llama (09h52 GMT) de los Juegos Olímpicos de 2016, los primeros que tendrán lugar en Sudamérica.

Varias actrices ataviadas con túnicas invocaron sobre el templo de Hera (de 2.600 años de antigüedad) al Dios Apolo, antigua divinidad del sol. La 'gran sacerdotisa', encarnada en Katerina Lehou, una conocida actriz griega, captó los rayos solares a través de un espejo, que los desvió hasta encender la llama.

Seguidamente, en una lenta coreografía, la 'gran sacerdotisa' encendió la antorcha del primer relevista, el gimnasta griego Leftheris Petrounias, que pasará la antorcha a la exjugadora brasileña de voleibol Giovane Gavio.

Este ritual a la antigua usanza, que pretende establecer un vínculo de unión entre las épocas, fue realizado por primera vez en los Juegos Olímpicos de Berlín-1936, y alude a la simbología olímpica de la llama, que permanecía encendida en la antigüedad durante toda la competición.

Los relevos de la antorcha durarán cuatro meses en los que recorrerá el país heleno y 300 localidades brasileñas antes de llegar al Estadio Olímpico de Maracaná el 5 de agosto en la ceremonia inaugural.

Está previsto que la antorcha sea portada en su recorrido por un refugiado sirio en el campo de refugiados de Eleonas, en Atenas. Se trata de un refugiado que perdió una pierna en la guerra que debasta su país, y su imagen recordará al mundo el drama de los refugiados, la crisis migratoria más importante desde la Segunda Guerra Mundial.

Los Juegos de Brasil tendrán lugar en medio de una situación de crisis política, que impidió la presencia en Olimpia de la predidenta Dilma Rouseff, inmersa en un proceso de inhabilitación.

First torchbearer world champion at artistic gymnastics, Lefteris Petrounias runs with the Olympic Flame as he arrives at the Temple of Hera on April 21, 2016 during the lighting ceremony of the Olympic flame in ancient Olympia, the sanctuary where the Olympic Games were born in 776 BC. The Olympic flame was lit Thursday in an ancient temple in one country in crisis and solemnly sent off carrying international hopes that Brazil's political paralysis will not taint the Rio Games that start in barely 100 days. / AFP PHOTO / ARIS MESSINIS

An actress holds a cauldron with the Olympic flame at the Temple of Hera on April 20, 2016 during a dress rehearsal of the lighting ceremony of the Olympic flame in ancient Olympia, the sanctuary where the Olympic Games were born in 776 BC. / AFP PHOTO / ARIS MESSINIS

An actress holds a cauldron with the Olympic flame at the Temple of Hera on April 20, 2016 during a dress rehearsal of the lighting ceremony of the Olympic flame in ancient Olympia, the sanctuary where the Olympic Games were born in 776 BC. / AFP PHOTO / ARIS MESSINIS

Actress Katerina Lechou acting the high pristess holds a torch with the Olympic flame at the Temple of Hera on April 20, 2016 during a dress rehearsal of the lighting ceremony of the Olympic flame in ancient Olympia, the sanctuary where the Olympic Games were born in 776 BC. / AFP PHOTO / ARIS MESSINIS

Actress Katerina Lechou (R) acting the high pristess passes the Olympic flame at the Temple of Hera on April 20, 2016 during a dress rehearsal of the lighting ceremony of the Olympic flame in ancient Olympia, the sanctuary where the Olympic Games were born in 776 BC. / AFP PHOTO / ARIS MESSINIS

Greek actress Katerina Lechou, acting as the high priestess, holds a cauldron with the Olympic flame at the ancient stadium of Olympia on April 20, 2016, during a dress rehearsal of the lighting ceremony of the Olympic flame in ancient Olympia, the sanctuary where the Olympic Games were born in 776 BC. / AFP PHOTO / ARIS MESSINIS

Actress Katerina Lechou (R) acting the high pristess passes the Olympic flame at the Temple of Hera on April 20, 2016 during a dress rehearsal of the lighting ceremony of the Olympic flame in ancient Olympia, the sanctuary where the Olympic Games were born in 776 BC. / AFP PHOTO / ARIS MESSINIS

Greek actress Katerina Lechou, acting as the high priestess, lights the Olympic flame at the Temple of Hera in Olympia on April 20, 2016, during a dress rehearsal for the lighting ceremony of the Olympic flame in ancient Olympia, the sanctuary where the Olympic Games were born in 776 BC. / AFP PHOTO / ARIS MESSINIS

Actress Katerina Lechou (R) acting the high pristess passes the Olympic flame at the Temple of Hera on April 21, 2016 during the lighting ceremony of the Olympic flame in ancient Olympia, the sanctuary where the Olympic Games were born in 776 BC. The Olympic flame was lit Thursday in an ancient temple in one country in crisis and solemnly sent off carrying international hopes that Brazil's political paralysis will not taint the Rio Games that start in barely 100 days. / AFP PHOTO / ARIS MESSINIS

First torchbearer world champion at artistic gymnastics, Lefteris Petrounias runs with the Olympic Flame as he arrives at the Temple of Hera on April 21, 2016 during the lighting ceremony of the Olympic flame in ancient Olympia, the sanctuary where the Olympic Games were born in 776 BC. The Olympic flame was lit Thursday in an ancient temple in one country in crisis and solemnly sent off carrying international hopes that Brazil's political paralysis will not taint the Rio Games that start in barely 100 days. / AFP PHOTO / ARIS MESSINIS

First torchbearer world champion at artistic gymnastics, Lefteris Petrounias runs with the Olympic Flame as he arrives at the Temple of Hera on April 21, 2016 during the lighting ceremony of the Olympic flame in ancient Olympia, the sanctuary where the Olympic Games were born in 776 BC. The Olympic flame was lit Thursday in an ancient temple in one country in crisis and solemnly sent off carrying international hopes that Brazil's political paralysis will not taint the Rio Games that start in barely 100 days. / AFP PHOTO / ARIS MESSINIS

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