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Ricky Martin visita a refugiados sirios en Líbano como embajador ONU [+Fotos]

El cantante Ricky Martin, embajador de buena voluntad de Unicef desde 2003, visitó los pasados dos días a niños y adolescentes refugiados en el Líbano y pidió que se proteja el futuro de millones de menores afectados por la guerra en Siria.

On 2 June 2016, UNICEF goodwill ambassador Ricky Martin watches a puppet show about good hygiene practices with Syrian refugee children from the Rmoul informal settlement in northern Lebanon. Around 139 refugees live in the Rmoul settlement, more than half of them children under 18. UNICEF, with its partners, provides a comprehensive package of water, sanitation and hygiene promotion package for Rmoul and more than 1,360 other locations. Including the provision of adequate water supplies, latrines, and hygiene promotion activities.  World-renowned singer and UNICEF Goodwill Ambassador Ricky Martin calls for increased focus on safeguarding the futures of millions of children affected by the Syria conflict, whose lives have been shaped by displacement, violence and a persistent lack of opportunities. Around 1.1 million Syrians have sought refuge in Lebanon since the start of the crisis in 2011, more than half of them are children. Child refugees are particularly at risk of exploitation and abuse, with large numbers being left with no choice but to go out to work, rather than attend school.  The deteriorating economic situation for Syrian refugees has dramatically exacerbated the problem of child labour in Lebanon. Adding to the psychological distress already affecting many of the children who have fled conflict and violence at home is the challenge associated with some of the worst forms child labour such as working on construction sites, which can cause long-term developmental and psychological damage as well as physical harm.  During the two-day visit on 1-2 June 2016, Martin also witnessed how UNICEF is working to provide protective environments for children and adolescents where they can play and receive the support they need to get back into formal education. In Lebanon’s Bekaa valley and Akkar, Martin participated in recreational activities for children at safe spaces in informal settlements. Additionally, he met adolescents attending life-skills training, prov

"He encontrado a niños que se han visto forzados a convertirse en los que ganan el pan para sus familias, trabajando hasta 12 horas al día", dijo este viernes la estrella al concluir su visita, según un comunicado del Fondo de las Naciones Unidas para la Infancia (Unicef).

Martin recordó que cerca de 2,8 millones de niños no están escolarizados en la región y pidió al mundo que haga más para "proteger a los menores de la explotación y para facilitarles el acceso a entornos seguros en los que puedan ser educados y empoderados".

El cantante de Puerto Rico dijo estar impactado por la historia de Batoul, una chica de 11 años de la ciudad siria de Homs, la cual tiene que trabajar a cambio de agua y un techo, y junto a su madre y sus dos hermanas son las que mantienen a la familia de 13 miembros.

"Estoy inspirado por el coraje de estos niños (...). Invertir en su presente es invertir en el futuro de la región".

On 1 June 2016, UNICEF goodwill ambassador Ricky Martin plays football with Syrian refugee children at Al-Hissa informal refugee settlement in northern Lebanon. World-renowned singer and UNICEF Goodwill Ambassador Ricky Martin calls for increased focus on safeguarding the futures of millions of children affected by the Syria conflict, whose lives have been shaped by displacement, violence and a persistent lack of opportunities. Around 1.1 million Syrians have sought refuge in Lebanon since the start of the crisis in 2011, more than half of them are children. Child refugees are particularly at risk of exploitation and abuse, with large numbers being left with no choice but to go out to work, rather than attend school.  The deteriorating economic situation for Syrian refugees has dramatically exacerbated the problem of child labour in Lebanon. Adding to the psychological distress already affecting many of the children who have fled conflict and violence at home is the challenge associated with some of the worst forms child labour such as working on construction sites, which can cause long-term developmental and psychological damage as well as physical harm.  During the two-day visit on 1-2 June 2016, Martin also witnessed how UNICEF is working to provide protective environments for children and adolescents where they can play and receive the support they need to get back into formal education. In Lebanon’s Bekaa valley and Akkar, Martin participated in recreational activities for children at safe spaces in informal settlements. Additionally, he met adolescents attending life-skills training, provided by UNICEF and partners, where girls and boys are given vocational training and learning support.

El portorriqueño participó en las actividades que Unicef desarrolla con niños y adolescentes para ofrecerles un entorno seguro en los campos de refugiados; además se reunió con adolescentes que están siendo formados para que adquieran las capacidades intelectuales y prácticas que necesitan.

Aproximadamente 1,1 millón de sirios han buscado refugio en el Líbano desde el inicio de la guerra en su país en 2011 y más de la mitad de ellos son niños que están expuestos a la explotación y abusos, y un gran número de ellos no puede ir a la escuela porque tienen que trabajar, según la ONU.

UNICEF trabaja con el Gobierno libanés y otras organizaciones humanitarias para cubrir las necesidades de sanidad, alimentación y educación de unos 800 mil niños vulnerables, así como adolescentes que necesitan apoyo.

On 1 June 2016, UNICEF goodwill ambassador Ricky Martin with Syrian refugee children at a UNICEF supported safe space for children in Tal Hayat in northern Lebanon. Around 60 children from the nearby informal settlement for refugees participate in daily Psycho-social support activities. . UNICEF is currently working in 576 intervention sites to deliver child protection interventions across the country. World-renowned singer and UNICEF Goodwill Ambassador Ricky Martin calls for increased focus on safeguarding the futures of millions of children affected by the Syria conflict, whose lives have been shaped by displacement, violence and a persistent lack of opportunities. Around 1.1 million Syrians have sought refuge in Lebanon since the start of the crisis in 2011, more than half of them are children. Child refugees are particularly at risk of exploitation and abuse, with large numbers being left with no choice but to go out to work, rather than attend school.  The deteriorating economic situation for Syrian refugees has dramatically exacerbated the problem of child labour in Lebanon. Adding to the psychological distress already affecting many of the children who have fled conflict and violence at home is the challenge associated with some of the worst forms child labour such as working on construction sites, which can cause long-term developmental and psychological damage as well as physical harm.  During the two-day visit on 1-2 June 2016, Martin also witnessed how UNICEF is working to provide protective environments for children and adolescents where they can play and receive the support they need to get back into formal education. In Lebanon’s Bekaa valley and Akkar, Martin participated in recreational activities for children at safe spaces in informal settlements. Additionally, he met adolescents attending life-skills training, provided by UNICEF and partners, where girls and boys are given vocational training and learning support.

Just spent 3 days at the lebanese/syrian border working with @unicef. This amazing organization is doing an incredible job providing education to more than 150,000 Syrian refugee children. Still, there are hundreds of thousands of kids that have not been able to get this very important/basic right. We must end child labor now. The word "refugee" must not lose its meaning. Syrian refugees around the world need protection. #UnicefLebanon Acabamos de pasar tres días en la frontera entre Syria y el Líbano con @UNICEF. Esta maravillosa organización está haciendo un increíble trabajo proporcionando educación a más de 150.000 niños refugiados sirios. Desafortunadamente aun hay cientos de miles de niños que no han podido recibir este derecho básico y han sido obligados a trabajos forzados. La palabra "refugiados" no puede perder su significado. Los refugiados sirios en todas partes del mundo necesitan protección. #uniceflebanon. @uniceflebanon #ChildrenofSyria

Una foto publicada por Ricky (@ricky_martin) el

Listening to their stories. #ChildrenofSyria. #syrianrefugees #syrianrefugeechildren #Lebanon

Una foto publicada por Ricky (@ricky_martin) el

I have new Syrian friends in Lebanon. I truly admire their perseverance and spirit in spite of the hardships they are facing. More than a million Syrians have sought refuge in Lebanon since the start of the crisis and more than half of them are children. They shouldn't be forgotten. Proud to be a @UNICEF Goodwill Ambassador to help raise awareness for the #ChildrenofSyria @UNICEFLebanon is working in the more than 2000 informal settlements across Lebanon to give every child a chance to be what they want in life. UNICEF provides a package of services for these children such as education services, protection services, health care and clean water. Every child has a right to these services. Every child has a right to enjoy childhood. #ChildrenofSyria @UNICEF @UNICEFLebanon P.s. The song on the video is performed by the kids living in the camps. Aqui con Mis nuevos amigos sirios en el Libano. Admiro su perseverancia y el espíritu a pesar de las dificultades que se enfrentan día a día. Más de un millón de sirios han buscado refugio en el Líbano desde el inicio de la crisis y más de la mitad de ellos son niños. Ellos no deben ser olvidados. Orgulloso ser un embajador de buena voluntad de @UNICEF para ayudar a crear conciencia para los #NiñosDeSiria. @UNICEFLebanon está trabajando en los más de 2.000 asentamientos informales de todo el Líbano para dar a cada niño la oportunidad de ser lo que quieren en la vida. @UNICEF proporciona un conjunto de servicios para estos niños, tales como los servicios de educación, servicios de protección, atención médica y agua potable. Todos los niños tienen derecho a estos servicios. Todos los niños tienen derecho a disfrutar de su infancia. #ChildrenofSyria @UNICEF @rickymartinfoundation P.d. La cancion qué escuchas en el video es realizada por los niños que viven en el campamento.

Un vídeo publicado por Ricky (@ricky_martin) el

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